Meals on Wheels
Since 1971, the Beloit Meals on Wheels program has delivered nutritious meals to the homebound, elderly and ill in the Greater Beloit area. The success of this program centers on an extraordinary core of volunteers who contribute their time, caring and concern for our clients. …
Caritas Food Pantry Beloit WI
Caritas 608-362-4403 Visit website 2840 Prairie Ave, Beloit, WI 53511 Opens Friday at 8:30 a.m. …
Echo Food Pantry Janesville WI
ECHO Background ECHO, Inc., created in late 1969, is a non-profit, faith-community sponsored charity organization, serving low-income individuals and families in the Janesvillearea. It exists through the generosity of others in the community. ECHO stands for Everyone Cooperating to Help Others. Congregations help us, so do …
Hairy Tongue Spanish
LENGUA CON PELOS 4o.y 5o. grado Que decir cuando se hace una presentacion? 1.- Todos tienen vello en su lengua que es tan pequeño como el vello de su antebrazo. 2.- Es llamado papilas y es pelo o vello vivo. 3.- Cuando alguien fuma o …
Guessing Game Spanish
Juego de Adivinanzas Descripción del PSA: “El juego de adivinanzas” es un ‘PSA’ de 60 segundos de radio que se dirige a un público adulto, especialmente los padres. Mensaje central: Este PSA se centra en la idea de tener en cuenta para adultos de los mensajes que están enviando a sus niños en relación al consumo de alcohol como consecuencia de su …
Second Hand Smoke and Quitting in Spanish
Actividad de la Paja Qué decir cuando se hace una presentación en la escuela primaria… Repartir pajas y explicar que vamos a mostrarles que se siente ser un fumador. Hacerlos que se tapen la nariz y correr en su lugar durante 10 segundos, respirar solamente …
Adult Maze Agenda
LAD Adult Education Maze Alcohol Room Do Skit Child at a party and alcohol placed by soda and punch. Child taking alcohol and going outside with cousins and friends and getting intoxicated and passes out. Ambulance called and hospital scene. End skit with steps parents …
Middle School Presentation Review Questions
Review Questions at End of Middle School Presentation (Make sure you ask these questions during the presentation) 1) When a smoker exhales, a non-smoker inhales how much of the cigarette? 85% 2) When did our state go smoke-free? 7/5/10 – we became the 27th smokefree …
Tobacco Education Video
Tobacco Education Video We are now going to show you a short video. Many people believe that smoking only causes lung cancer and heart disease. The truth is smoking can cause a lot of problems in your life. Watch the video and see for …
Quitting Discussion Presentation
Quitting Discussion What to say when making a presentation Has anyone in here every thrown someone’s cigarettes away to get them to quit smoking? Did it work – what happened? We are going to be sending information home with you today on how to help …