What have you been doing with your life since graduating from Youth2Youth?
After high school I went to college in the Chicago area where I graduated with a BA in Corporate Communications. Since then, I have been working as a truck driver, which I really enjoy.
What are you most proud of?
I pride myself in that I am always looking to improve myself for my benefit and for benefit of the people I surround myself with. It is a simple goal to self-improve, yet a difficult one that is never ending.
How have skills you learned in Youth2Youth helped you in your life beyond Youth2Youth?
Youth2Youth gave me the experience to advise peers and youth with any wisdom that I had accrued myself. It gave me a basis to start compounding wisdom for my own benefit, which in turn I can share with those who appreciate my sharing.
What advice would you like to give to today’s youth?
A cool and rational head will always take you further than an impulsive head. A strong will and determination will also go nicely along with your already possessed virtues. If there are qualities that you would like to acquire, practice them at every opportunity and you will develop them. Live experiences steadily, do not rush to live experiences.