What have you been doing with your life since graduating from Youth2Youth?
I’m currently a senior at Alverno College in Milwaukee, WI. I am close to graduating with my Bachelors in Elementary Education. I have been working on and off campus as well.
What are you most proud of?
Most of my greatest accomplishments and proudest moments are times I spent with Youth2Youth. The thing I show off the most of anything is that I, along with other Y2Y members, am in a history book.
A few Y2Y members were present for the signing of the Smoke Free Wisconsin bill that we had all worked so hard to help pass. That same day, we were invited to the Governor’s mansion to celebrate.
How have skills you learned in Youth2Youth helped you in your life beyond Youth2Youth?
During my time in Youth2Youth, I learned a lot of facts, new skills, and had many great opportunities. I would say that the greatest thing that Youth2Youth taught me was that if there is something you are passionate about, you have to fight for it. Alone, we can’t always make as big of a difference as we want to. That’s why we have to remember that we are never alone and that together, we can make a difference, as long as we voice our opinions and make our unique voices heard.
What advice would you like to give to today’s youth?
Keep giving your all to what you believe in. One day, it will pay off. If not for you, then for someone else; because what you do does make a difference. Remember that change comes about when people notice that change is needed. Right now, you are in the midst of creating an amazing change that affects people’s entire lives. And if you stick with it, the final result just might take you by surprise.
Good luck, and I hope that you enjoy your time in Youth2Youth as much as I did!