Huffless Puffless Dragon Video and Discussion
2nd Grade Presentation
Now we are going to show you a video called Huffless Puffless Dragon. This video will show you what could happened when someone smokes.
Show Video
Review Questions:
– Name some things the non-smoking dragon could do easier than the smoking dragon?
Arm Wrestling, Running and more
– What is it called when someone is asking you to do what everyone else is doing?
Peer Pressure
– Name some of the things that happened to the smoking dragon:
Hacking, Gasping for Air, Fainting and Choking
– According to the non-smoking dragon, what should you say when someone asks you to smoke?
I Don’t Smoke!
No-Puff Pals Video & Discussion
3rd Grade Presentation
Now we are going to show you a video called the No-Puff Pals showing you what can happen when you smoke & how the tobacco industry tries to trick you and addict you to tobacco.
Show Video
Review Questions:
– Why do the No-Puff Pals want to put an end to tobacco?
Because tobacco makes people sick and makes people spend money on something that hurts them. It also makes people smell bad.
– How did the No-Puff Pals get their super powers?
By not Smoking…
– Big Tobacco Inc., wants kids to think that people who smoke are pretty, but the No-Puff Pals show kids the truth. What happens when people smoke?
Skin becomes wrinkled and gray, and their teen and fingers turn yellow
– What are some sicknesses caused by tobacco?
Lung Illness, asthma, and emphysema
– How can you be a No-Puff Pal?
Don’t use tobacco! All you have to do is say no…..
Here are some ways that the tobacco industry tries to trick you:
Now show them candy cigarettes and Big Chew gum
Quitting Discussion
What to say when making a presentation¼
Elementary Presentation
We are going to share some ideas on ways to help someone you care about quit
– ASK the smoker to quit. Tell them you know that smoking is very addictive. In fact just even one to two cigarettes can addict you.
– Put a picture of yourself or someone they care about, it could even be their pet in the inside of their cigarette pack. You can also put the quit line card on the other side. (put a picture and/or the quitline card in a pack of cigarettes to illustrate)
_ Write a letter/Draw a picture to them and stick it under their pillow or wherever you think they may find it
_ Share the stuff we are teaching you today and share it with family members that smoke. Also we will be giving you lots of more information in a bag at the end of our presentation.
– Most of all don’t give up! It takes a person about 9-11 times to be successful, and 90% of parents/grandparents quit because of you! YOU HAVE THE POWER!
To Bring This Back To You
You Never Have To Quit – If You Never Start
2nd Hand Smoke
What to say when making an Elementary School Presentation…
Ask the kids if they know what secondhand smoke is.
Ask the following questions and have kids stand/raise their hands.
(Please pause so we can count the kids)
There is nothing that cleans the air from the poisons from 2nd hand smoke. An example of this is when someone smokes in a room and turns on a fan to clear the air – what does that really do to the smoke?
Secondhand smoke affects all of us. Make it clear that protecting yourself from secondhand smoke is very important. Kids around secondhand smoke can get more colds, ear infections, allergies, asthma, pneumonia, and bronchitis.
For every 4 cigarettes a smoker smokes, a non smoker smokes one.
Ask: “Does anyone have any suggestions/ideas on how to stay away from or protect yourself from secondhand smoke?”
Make bedroom smoke free. Don’t allow others to smoke in your room. Go in there when someone is smoking, shut the door, put a towel/clothing item under the door, and open a window. You can even put “No Smoking” signs on your bedroom door.
Straw Activity
What to say when making an Elementary School Presentation…
Have them plug their noses and run in place for 10 seconds, breathing only through the straw. When they get done running ask them how they feel; a lot of them will state that they feel just fine. This is what it may feel like when someone just started to smoke. Many people feel fine when they begin to smoke, so they continue to smoke.
This is about 10 years of smoking. Show the tar jar and explain that, as a smoker, they have put 10-20 jars of this into their bodies. Have them run in place again for 10 seconds, breathing only through the straw. When they stop ask if it was any harder. Some will say yes, and some will say no. State that everyone is different and some people have gotten sick from smoking after 10 years, other have not. But, the addiction is so strong most keep smoking.
This is about 20 years of smoking. Show the tar jar and explain that, as a smoker, they have put 20-40 jars of tar into their bodies. Have them run in place again for 10 seconds, breathing only through the straw. When they stop most of them will be breathing heavy. Have them sit down and collect all the straws.
Ask these questions:
1) How many of you play basketball, baseball, swim, ride a bike, etc.
Just imagine doing those things or playing outside for recess and you could only breathe through a straw. That is what it is like for some people that have smoked for awhile. And sometimes this is permanent!
Remember – You never have to quit if you never start!
Mr. Gross Mouth
What to Say When Making a Presentation…
2 & 3rd Graders
1 out of 3 people who use spit tobacco will get sick from it.
Who would like to have this kind of mouth?
Spit Tobacco – 4th and 5th Grade
What to say when making a presentation…
Introduce the video: “We got this video from the Milwaukee Brewers. It will show you what is in spit tobacco and what spit tobacco does to a user’s body.”
Play video.
After the video ask the following questions of the youth:
Spit Tobacco Poster
This guy started using spit tobacco at the age of 12. He found a spot in his mouth at 16 that was cancer. At the age of 18 he had full blown mouth cancer. It was too late to do anything and he died at 19.
Now many of you care about how you look, is it worth it to chew tobacco and look like this? Just something to think about.
Refusal Skills
This is a skit that involves all of the presentation team. One presenter plays the role of a student that tries to get the other presenters to come and smoke with them. The presenters need to spread out throughout the presentation area with their backs to the audience and the one asking them to smoke approaches them each, one by one. They turn around and face the audience as their turn to be asked comes.
Asking student: “Hey, I got some of my parents’ cigarettes. Want to come and smoke with me after school?”
Each of the other presenters replies with a different answer. Some examples are:
“No, thanks.”
“It’s just not my thing.”
“I choose not to smoke.”
“No. And please don’t smoke around me.”
“No. And you shouldn’t either.”
“I’m on the swim team. I need all the air I can get.”
“My parents would kill me.”
“Let’s go play basketball again.”
One person can explain that there are a lot of ways to say “no”, but the most important part is that they mean what they say and they stick with that answer because you never have to quit what you never start.
Shopping Choices
We have many choices to make in life and sometimes the choices we make can cost us a lot of money. We are going to do an activity where we will show you some of the things you may be giving up if you take up smoking.
2nd – 5th grade
A Pack of Cigarettes cost about
Would you rather have a pack of cigarettes or
$7.00 of your favorite candy
If you smoked for a month you would have spent
Would you rather have 30 packs of cigarette or
A Video game system
If you smoked for a year you would have spent
Would you rather have 365 packs of cigarettes or
A family trip to Disneyland!
Social Norm Activity
4th and 5th Grade
Me Too!
Roles: 1 boy and 1 girl
Scene: Girl and boy enter from opposite sides of the stage, meet in the middle and walk forward together and speak to the audience.
Boy: Hi, my name is
Girl: Hi my name is and is my best friend
Boy: Yeah (smiles) on Monday’s I like to go to the movies
Girl: Me Too! (Smiles and nods)
Boy: On Tuesday’s, I like to go skating
Girl: Me Too!
Boy: On Wednesday’s, I like to hang at the mall
Girl: Me Too!
Boy: On Thursday’s I like to go dancing (dances a little)
Girl: Me Too! (dances a little)
Boy: On Friday’s I like to party and get wasted
Girl: (Looks at boy, then to audience) Not Me! Just because he wants to do that doesn’t mean I do. In fact most kids my age DO NOT smoke, DO NOT drink, and DO NOT get wasted at parties. My choice is DRUG FREE!
Ingredients in Tobacco Smoke
2nd and 3rd Grade
What to say when making a presentation…
Bring out the black bag full of ingredients.
Tell the students you are going to show them some ingredients that the tobacco industry puts in cigarettes to get you addicted and to keep you as their paying customer for life.
Ask the Question:
Can anyone tell me how many ingredients are in a cigarette? (Give them 3 guesses then tell them the correct answer, over 4,000 200 of them are poisons)
Pull the items listed below out and explain what they are and what they do:
Rat – Rat poison is a deadly poison, both to rats and humans.
Car – Carbon Monoxide – Smelly bus or car exhaust contains this poisonous gas. It is the number one ingredient in tobacco smoke.
Battery – Has anyone every have a toy that had the batteries inside go bad? They get this brownish, white crust on them and parents tell you not to touch it – that’s because there is a chemical in batteries that is very dangerous and poisonous.
Nail Polish Remover – Has anyone ever gotten their fingers ‘super-glued’ together? Nail polish remover can eat the Super Glue and get your fingers apart. If it eats glue and paint, imagine what it does to lungs?
Toilet Cleaner – Who has ever licked the inside of a freshly cleaned toilet bowl? You are putting the same chemicals in your mouth if you smoke.
Nicotine – This chemical is poisonous and it is what a smoker gets addicted to. Has anyone ever seen this poison sign before? When smoking a cigarette you are actually putting poison in your mouth.
Ingredients in Tobacco Smoke
4th and 5th Grade
What to say when making a presentation…
Pull out the black bag with ingredients and tell the students you are now going to share some of the chemicals the tobacco industry puts in a cigarette to get them and keep them addicted.
Ask this question:
Does anyone know how many chemicals are in a cigarette? (Just give them 3 guesses – over 7,000)
There are over 200 poisons in a cigarette and 43 of them are known to cause cancer
Rocket – Methanol – Rocket fuel is a poison. Inhalation can cause blindness.
Bug Spray – DDT – DDT is a pesticide that was outlawed because it was killing off the bald eagle. Our government cares more about the bald eagle than people, because they still allow this chemical in tobacco smoke.
Rat – Arsenic – Rat poison is a deadly poison, both to rats and humans.
Car – Carbon Monoxide – Smelly bus or car exhaust contains this poisonous gas. It is the number one ingredient in tobacco smoke. This is so poisonous that many of us have carbon monoxide detectors in our homes.
Gas Mask – Hydrogen Cyanide – One of the most toxic chemicals found in tobacco smoke. So deadly it was used in the gas chambers used in for the death penalty.
Frog – Formaldehyde – A cancer-causing chemical that is used to preserve dead bodies, like the pig lungs and the frogs used for dissecting in high school.
Battery – Cadmium – Has anyone every have a toy that had the batteries inside go bad? They get this brownish, white crust on them and parents tell you not to touch it – that’s because cadmium, a chemical in batteries, is a poisonous metal and a carcinogen. It is very dangerous when inhaled.
Nail Polish Remover – Acetone – Has anyone ever gotten their fingers ‘super-glued’ together? Acetone is one of the few chemicals that can get Super Glue apart along with removing nail polish. If it eats glue and paint, imagine what it does to lungs?
Toilet Cleaner – Ammonia – Tobacco companies add ammonia because it lets a smoker’s body absorb more nicotine – keeping them hooked on smoking.
Nicotine – This chemical is poisonous and it is what a smoker gets addicted to. Has anyone ever seen this poison sign before? When smoking a cigarette you are actually putting poison in your mouth.
Hairy Tongue 2nd and 3rd Grade
What to say when making a presentation…
A Hairy Tongue is just another unpleasant consequence of smoking.
– Everyone has stuff on their tongue that is just like the very small hair on the inside of forearms. (It’s called papillae – “pa-pill-a”.)
– When someone smokes, the tar builds up in the back area of the tongue.
– The “hair” does not like this and begins to grow to push it off of the tongue.
– The color of the tongue can vary from: white, yellow, green, brown or black.
– A Hairy Tongue can begin to grow as soon as a person smokes their first cigarette.
– The good news is that if someone quits smoking – this could go away
Hairy Tongue 4th and 5th Grade
What to say when making a presentation…