The success of this program centers on an extraordinary core of volunteers who contribute
their time, caring and concern for our clients. Volunteers serve us through their churches,
places of employment, involvement with civic organizations as well as individual desires to
Why not consider joining our team by making a commitment to deliver meals once a month.
Using your own vehicle, you will find that delivery will take from one hour to an hour and a half
of your time. Training is provided, and every effort is made to accommodate your schedule.
“On call” drivers are also needed to fill in for vacations and occasional vacancies as they arise.
Please consider joining our team… we promise smiles, thank-yous, and tremendous
satisfaction in knowing you are providing a most valuable and needed human service. Your
caring will certainly help to add the “human touch” to this human service agency.
For further information, please call the Meals On Wheels office at (608) 362-3683.
We look forward to hearing from you!